Fall/Spring Season Start Dates
Full team fall practices generally begin two weeks before the start week of the academic year, meeting at the boathouse in Bandemer.
Spring practices start the third full week of March, meeting on the first day in the PHS Cafeteria.
The first week of practice will usually be all conditioning. Lots of running and core work, and time on the ergs for the returning rowers.
- Bring WATER!
- Bring running shoes and appropriate clothing.
- Bring a good attitude.
The last day to sign up will be the second Monday of that season.
There will be a group swim test for all new novices on the second Monday of each season, unless otherwise informed by your coach. This will take place at 5:00pm at the Pioneer Pool. It will consist of 10 minutes of treading water followed by a 50m swim. ALL COXSWAINS AND ROWERS MUST PASS THE SWIM TEST IN ORDER TO BE ON THE CREW TEAM.
If you cannot make this date, you will need to make arrangements on your own to take the test with a certified life guard. Bring a copy of the swim test form and have it signed by the attending guard.
Regular Schedule
Where: Boathouse in Bandemer Park
Time: M-F, 4:00 to 6:30 pm
See transportation options from school.
Attendance Policy
Excusable reasons for missing practice are:
- Serious illness/injury
- Academic obligations previously scheduled by the AAPS
- Three star religious holidays recognized by the AAPS.
- Family Emergencies
Inexcusable reasons for missing practice are:
- Medical appointments
- Heavy course load/homework
- Family outings
- After school projects
- Last minute practices called by Music and/or Theater Directors
- Last Minute Study Groups or Exam Reviews
- Anything other than the items listed as excusable
Punitive Measures:
- Any rower with an unexcused absence from practice will participate in the following practice upon his/her return at the discretion of the coach.
- Rowers who acquire more than THREE unexcused absences over the course of the season will risk jeopardizing their seat both at practice and in regattas, at the discretion of the coach.
This is a friendly reminder that your child’s participation in Pioneer Crew is a commitment which they have decided upon and must uphold. We coaches fully realize the time constraints that come with this commitment, but it is essential that your child be able to prioritize other activities to accommodate crew.
Part of what crew teaches is how to effectively budget time, and through that, increase the ability to focus intently on the immediate task at hand. Additionally it teaches that consistent effort while working towards long term goals through delayed gratification will carry over into all aspects of their lives; this is a lesson they will take forward with them.
Another hallmark of rowing is the interdependence of teamwork. Individual absences could very well mean the difference between the rest of the boat going out on the water or staying on land. Everyone who joins crew realizes they must respect the commitment the rest of the team has made in order for everyone to succeed. This is another invaluable lesson to be learned.
In more realistic terms, when someone misses practice it not only jeopardizes their seat in the boat, but the boat as a whole. And a boat affected is a team affected.
Please encourage and respect your child’s decision to be part of a team that welcomes and appreciates their contribution, and help them develop through the sport they love.